Parenting Tips

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide

An Open Letter To Parents Of Children with Aspergers

?How To Raise A Happy,
Dave Angel Successful Child With Aspergers? Author:
?Parenting Aspergers
Resource Guide?

ANNOUNCING: The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide Your Simple Guide To Helping Your Child With Aspergers In Almost Any Situation, Including?

How to help your child cope in social gatherings (either at school or work)How to help your child create and enjoy long-lasting friendshipsHow to encourage your child to form loving relationships with your family, friends and romantic partnersFour Bonus Gifts (Worth: $76.00)
This Is Your Invitation To ?Test-Drive? A Life-Changing Aspergers Guide,
Which Has Already Helped 1,674 People Worldwide?.

And The Best Part? You Can Try It For Yourself For 56 Days ? Risk-Free?

Please Read Below To Find Out More?

Dear Friend

If you?re the parent or relative of a child with Aspergers, you know it can make life an agonizing struggle.

The obsessive routines. The preoccupation with one subject of interest (to the exclusion of most everything else). The problems they face understanding different social situations. The oversensitivity to sounds, tastes, smells and sights. Their feelings of being overwhelmed by even the smallest of changes?

Then there are the pressures YOU face: the inability to communicate with your child, the awkwardness you feel in social situations, the pressure it puts on your relationships with your partner and other children, and the desperate desire to try anything ? in amongst a sea of physical and emotional exhaustion - to ensure your child is able to enjoy the best that life can offer ? even if it?s on their terms.

It can be VERY frustrating having a child with Aspergers. The hardest part is you feel like you?ll never actually get to know your child and how they see the world in the same way other parents do. But how can you do that?

As a quick test, please ask yourself the following questions (and answer them honestly)

Do you ever feel tired, frustrated or overwhelmed as the parent of a child with Aspergers?Do you feel as if you?re on a constant 24-hours-a-day knife?s edge, waiting for the next ?crisis? to explode?Have you ever been so angry at your child that, even for a split second you
actually HATED them?Has your child ever done anything so strange or dangerous that you?ve been FRIGHTENED of what they may be capable of?
If you answered ?yes? to any of these questions, and you?re looking for answers to your Aspergers questions, then this could be the most important letter you ever read?

Here?s Why I?m Writing To You?
My name is Dave Angel I?m a social worker working with families just like yours, and earned a Masters Degree in Applied Social Studies. In spite of all this, Aspergers was not something that I knew much about Until One Day Several Years Ago When
I Visited A Family With An Unusual Child?

You never forget the first time you meet a child with Aspergers.

You see, I had a call from work to make a daytime visit to a family I?d never met before. The reason for going was to assess a young person who was struggling with school. He was feeling very low, was in a near-permanent depressed mood, and was also highly aggressive towards his older brother.

But that was only half the story, as I also remember the state of mind of the parents of this boy.

The mother of this child was so upset and frustrated that she didn?t know where to turn, and was so overwhelmed by it all that she was in tears and at the end of her tether.

The mother and father of this boy had split up, a common occurrence for parents of children with Aspergers, with a staggering 75% of such parents eventually splitting up, due in large part to the stresses and strains of coping with a child with Aspergers. The inability to communicate on the one hand, and the malicious gossiping of other parents in the schoolyard (who see your child as ?strange? or ?different?, oftentimes entirely without justification), all contribute to tear at the fabric of even the strongest relationships.

What?s more, each of them lived in different homes. This resulted in their son having two houses to get used to (when he spent time with each parent), which meant different routines, a lack of stability, and increased anxiety for all concerned.

So after my assessment, I felt extremely frustrated as I wasn?t able to offer any practical help.

I wanted to do what I could to assist this family, but I couldn?t, and that gnawed at me.

Meeting this family (and seeing their suffering and pain) sparked my desire to find out more, and I made it my mission to find out as much as I could about Aspergers.

And That?s When I Made A Shocking Discovery?
The strange thing was, there was no shortage of information on Aspergers. But it fell squarely into one of two categories:

Either it was written by Academics in a very ?dry?, difficult to understand mannerOr the information was presented by well-meaning charitable organizations, with poorly put together websites (where it is hard to find the right information relevant to you and your child?s needs).
In short, there was no one resource for ordinary parents, friends and relatives of people with Aspergers. A resource written in simple to understand, non-academic language where they could share their experiences and help each other to help themselves ? and their child with Aspergers ? to enjoy less stressful and more happy and productive lives?

Which Is Why I?ve Written A Guide To Fill This ?Knowledge Gap?
But before I tell you more about my new guide, and how it can help your child (and your other family members) lead a happy, productive and loving life, I want to give you the facts on Aspergers. So with this mind, it?s high time I answered that all-important question? What Is Aspergers And How Does It Affect Your Kids (And You)?
In layman?s terms, Aspergers is a developmental disability which affects the way your child develops and understands the world around them, and directly linked to their senses and sensory processing. This means they often use these behaviors to block out their emotions or response to pain.

Although they may vary slightly from person to person, children with Aspergers tend to have similar symptoms, the main ones being:

Difficulties with social functioning, particularly in the rough and tumble of a school environmentSensory issues, where they are oversensitive to bright light, loud sounds and unpleasant smellsObsessive interests, with a focus on one subject to the exclusion of all others Social isolation and struggles to make friends due to a lack of empathy, and an inability to pick up on or understand social graces and cues (such as stopping talking and allowing others to speak)A rigid Insistence on routine (where any change can cause an emotional and physiological meltdown)A need to know when everything is happening in order not to feel completely overwhelmed
How I Can Help You Find The Answers
To Your Questions About Aspergers?

Since 2006, I?ve worked with hundreds of families all around the world who have Aspergers.

Over these years I?ve been disturbed and saddened by the amount of pain and heartache that having a child with Aspergers can bring to some families, even though I?ve noticed that for other families it?s a joyous gift that they nurture and treasure.

The funny thing is that even though people who are parents of children with Aspergers may be from different parts of the world, they are often experiencing the same kinds of problems......

I decided that I wanted to find out more so that I could help the families that were suffering the most, and interviewed 107 families to find out what their biggest problems were and found that the main problem areas for families were.......

Coping with their child's difficult and aggressive behaviors.....Understanding what is really going on inside their child's head....How to help their child to cope better in the community and at school.....How to keep the peace at home with the rest of the family.....Understanding the real meaning and causes of Aspergers.
So I figured that what parents were looking for was a complete and comprehensive guide packed with practical tips and explanations all about their Aspergers child?.

But not just some stuffy, old academic text book filled with long fancy sounding words that no-one actually understands or uses in the real world. A practical support guide, based on proven strategies used worldwide by the parents and families of people with Aspergers.

And this is your invitation to try it, risk-free, for the next 56 days?

ANNOUNCING: The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide ?

Your Practical Toolkit For Raising A Happy And Successful Child With Aspergers

The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide is a simple guide which gives you the parent the simple yet highly effective tips, strategies and techniques to help you cope with and manage your child?s behavioral and emotional needs. Based on tried and trusted methods that have worked with Aspergers children all over the world, the guide will give you greater control and stability in both your child?s and your family?s lives, and empower you to manage your child with Aspergers? symptoms in a simple and less painful way. My objective in offering this resource is simple: I want to take all of the experience, expert information and great ideas from both me and my colleagues and give them to you. That way you have a hugely valuable resource packed solid with advice, fresh ideas and solutions to the problems you face on a day-to-day basis. You can have it with you all of the time and can use it to overcome the day-to-day problems in parenting a child with Aspergers. The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide will be like having your own expert Aspergers team in a small corner of your living room gently supporting and advising you to make the right decisions for you and your child every second of the day.??Your book is an excellent informational resource, so easy to read and understand??

?This past week I printed pages 116 through 119 of your book to aid an IEP in the works for our Alex, age 10. Your book is an excellent informational resource, so easy to read and understand. I know I will reference it more in the future and also mention it at the next Collaborative Autism Intervention Project (CAIP) workshop I attend. Thank you so much"
Melinda Boren - Parent of an Asperger's Child, Missouri, USA

I?ve put together a team of experts who have helped to develop the solutions to the many problems that you will face as a parent with an Aspergers child.

This expert team is made up of many different experts such as Social Workers, Parents, Clinical Psychologists, Educational Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists,
Autism Specialists and Special Needs Teachers, and they come from all over the world including Europe, North America and Australia.

In particular I have a U.K. Chartered Educational Psychologist (who received her Masters in Psychology at the University of East London) and who has more than 20 years experience as both a Special Needs Teacher and Educational Psychologist.
She is working with me on behavioral and psychological issues for Aspergers children and their family.

I also have a medical doctor, Christine Traxler, from the USA (who received her Medical Doctorate from the University of Minnesota) who has more than 15 years experience in medicine and who works with me on the medical side of Aspergers.
Between them my team have many years experience of working with thousands of families with Aspergers children.

With this wide range of experience and understanding, you can be sure that you will get solutions to your problems that will be both thorough and proven to work in real life.

But Before I Continue, Let Me Make One Thing Clear?
The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide is NOT offering a ?cure? for Aspergers. Nor would I claim that every single thing you need to help your child is in this ebook.

But if you?re looking for rock solid, proven and practical answers to your most important questions about your Aspergers child, then I am confident you will benefit from this guide.

Here?s What You?ll Discover In Your Copy Of
The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide?

The impact of having a child with Aspergers (and the importance of having the right information to manage the situation, and avoid a great deal of suffering and pain for you, your family and friends) pages 7-8 Why having a child with Aspergers can be and is a joyful gift to your family (and the ONE thing you need to make this a reality in your life) pages 8-9 How my guide can help you deal with the situations arising from your child?s Aspergers (and why I decided to do this NOW) pages 10-12 Are the problems parents of Aspergers children face different from country to country? (The answers on pages 13-14 may surprise you?) The SIX main ?need to know? Aspergers topics you?ll find out about in my guide (and why they?re so important for the long-term welfare of you child ? pages 15-16) The most difficult area for parents of children with Aspergers to deal with, and where most help is needed (INCLUDES: details of what it is, why it?s such a big issue, and how to develop response mechanisms to cope with it ? pages 17-19) How to deal with your child?s obsessive-compulsive behaviors (especially if they occur in public places or school) pages 20-23 What you must do if your child displays inappropriate sexual behavior in public (INCLUDES: the right ? and wrong ? responses for when your child starts stripping and/or stares at others) pages 27-30 Why Aspergers children can overreact during car or plane journeys (and what you should do to manage these issues) pages 31-33 TEMPER TANTRUMS: all children have them from time to time, but what if it happens almost ALL the time? (Turn to pages 33-36 to discover my 3-Step Program to help your child manage their anger more effectively?) How to help your child with Aspergers follow routine (without it becoming a problem or an obsession?) pages 36-39 The concrete ways you can help your child deal with emotions (and the best option to show them to make it a simpler learning process for them ? and you?) pages 40-42 The FOUR major reasons why your child with Aspergers behaves in the way they do (and how to construct a monitoring system to give your child the loving support they need to manage whatever life throws their way) pages 43-46 The 4-step method you can use to deal with your child with Aspergers? defiant actions (PLUS: should MEDICATION only ever be used as a last resort? Or should it be given more frequently? Our conclusions on pages 47-50) The siblings of children with Aspergers ? how to help them cope with their brother or sister?s condition (they may not be directly affected by Aspergers themselves, but their brother or sister?s disability WILL have profound consequences on their lives and sense of well-being. Find out how to lessen this impact on pages 51-54) Should you let your child with Aspergers HIT you (and ?let it all out??) Or should you manage their anger so they stop doing it? Two of my most effective coping strategies revealed on page 60? How to explain Aspergers to siblings (whether they?re very young or teenagers) in terms they?ll understand ? [PLUS: the simple way to explain the 3 main problem areas children with Aspergers face on a day-to-day basis?] pages 61-73??Thank you for the article on changes in adolescence, too??

"Hi, Dave Angel, I don?t know if this email will ever reach you, but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your Asperger's mini-course. It has been tremendously helpful. I cannot begin to thank you enough.......Thank you for the article on changes in adolescence, too.... Thank you very much for your help via your excellent articles and the mini-course. I'll always be grateful to you. Best always, Betsy"
Betsy Johnson - Parent of a Child with Aspergers, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

The best books for siblings of children with Aspergers? pages 75-78 Should you PUNISH your child with Aspergers bad behavior? Or will this do more harm than good when it comes to teaching the difference between right and wrong? Our advice to this potential ?emotional minefield? on pages 83-87 How to help a child with Aspergers deal with the world, when YOU have Aspergers (and are still trying to find your way around) pages 93-97 The problems you and your child with Aspergers may face when dealing with the general public? pages 103-111 EDUCATION: It?s one of the most asked-for areas of support, but how can you ensure your child with Aspergers copes at School, in an ever-changing social and learning environment? (Turn to pages 113-120 to find out how to create strongly united teams of professionals working together for your child?s best interests)?You have no clue how much I appreciate all the information??

"You have no clue how much I appreciate all the information. We really had a bad year in school, not because of grades (he's in gifted classes) but your general Asperger socially pervasive disorder. I really appreciate you taking the time to keep me posted. Thanks again. Dee" Dee McCullar - Parent of a Child with Aspergers, Mount Olive, Alabama, USA

Five simple ways to create an optimum learning environment for your child (both in AND out of the classroom? ) pages 116-117 How to persuade teachers and educators to develop an Individual Education Plan for your child with Aspergers (even if they?re opposed to the idea) pages 120-121 How to help your adolescent child develop their physical and social skills especially in sports. (Although Aspergers children can lack coordination, their talents and abilities can be unlocked, by using our 8-step program ? check it out on pages 126-128?) The three vital questions you must ask when your child with Aspergers changes school, and why they?re so important for their future development (pages 131-132) The pros ? and cons ? of HOME SCHOOLING: is it the best choice for your child with Aspergers? (See my conclusions ? and resources guide ? to help you make the best, most informed decision ? on pages 133-136) The difference between ASPERGERS and AUTISM (to many people, Aspergers and Autism are one and the same thing. But the differences ? although subtle ? ARE there. See what they are, and the impact they have on your child and family, on pages 141-145, and pages 148) Can Aspergers cause childhood DEPRESSION? (My thoughts on this sensitive issue on pages 146-147?) Is Aspergers a mental health issue, or a neurological issue? Pages 151-156 The alternative treatments which may help people with Aspergers
(IMPORTANT: these are in NO way a ?cure? for Aspergers ? or anything like it ? no such thing exists. However, this section Includes details on):

The alternative treatments available for your child (are they suitable?)The quick guide to ?Summer Camp Survival? for your child with Aspergers [pages 158-160]Is there a link between Aspergers and Lyme Disease? (My conclusions on pages 162-164)How to use DIET as a technique for helping people with Aspergers [INCLUDES: the five ?trigger? conditions to avoid to ensure your child gets a healthy and balanced diet - pages 165-170]Can HOMEOPATHIC and/or NATURAL Remedies manage the symptoms of, and even CURE, Aspergers? Pages 171-172FIVE valuable websites to help your child with Aspergers integrate into the community, find a job, and find their place in the world? page 174

How to contact me (and ask me any questions you want answers to ? my PRIVATE email address ? only available to readers of this guide ? on page 182)
But Don?t Just Take My Word For It?
Here?s What Some More Of The Happy Parents Who Are Using
My Aspergers Resources Have To Say....
?It's like a virtual support group?your informative articles have been incredibly insightful and I don't feel alone because of you??

"Dear Dave Angel, I just want to sincerely thank you for all your efforts and dedication with this website and articles which have all been so incredibly helpful to me...It's like a virtual support group. My little boy was just diagnosed with ASD at 3.25 years old, and I was devastated. But your informative articles have been incredibly insightful and I don't feel alone because of you! Keep up the great work!!! We need you!" Joan Brand, Long Island, New York, U.S.A. ??help(s) me a great deal in trying to understand my son??

"Your articles help me a great deal in trying to understand my son and find ways of helping him. Keep up the good work, in my mind you truly are an angel."
Suzanne Byrne, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ??I really appreciate all the tips and encouragement that I receive and I just wanted to say thank you??

"Hello Dave, I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you from the sunny Gold Coast in Queensland for all the information you send me. I am so grateful and am constantly referring people on to your site. The new system will be a great help. I am mum to 3 children ages 17, 14 and 7.5. It is my 17 year old daughter Elizabeth who has Aspergers. I really appreciate all the tips and encouragement that I receive and I just wanted to say thank you. You do a wonderful job and it is such a blessing for me." Heather Clark, Queensland, Australia ??your wonderful newsletters?are so informative and helpful??

"Dear Dave, Thank you for your work in creating your wonderful newsletters. They are so informative and helpful. I look forward to receiving them and they have been a great help in matters relating to my 13 year old who has Aspergers." Janey Grainger, Bromley, Kent, U.K. ??I've learned so very much about my grandson's world??

"Dave, Just wanted to THANK YOU for all your help and wisdom with ASD and for sharing that with us! I've learned so very much about my grandson's world, since meeting you and being on your mailing list. What a true blessing!" Lynn Wiley. Hinseville, Georgia, USA ??I am learning a lot from the question/answer dialogue??

?Wow! I am only halfway through your book, but I love it! I am learning a lot from the question/answer dialogue, and most certainly appreciate the time and effort you put into this work. Thank you so much for this information.?
Judith (Surname anonyomised on request) - Parent of an Asperger's Child.
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
??I found reading about children in my son's age group most interesting??

"Very, Very Good: The personal parental problems are very helpful. I found reading about children in my son's age group most interesting of course. Like you say what is a normal parent and what is a normal person anyway?"
Donald Hughes - Parent of a Young Adult with Asperger's
West Penwith, Cornwall UK
??Thanks for looking at the problems with a different view??

Hi, I thought the book was great. Thanks for looking at the problems with a different view point."
Sharon Hills ? Parent of an Asperger's Child, South Wales, UK ??very interesting and well written??

"Thank you for your book. I have an 11 year old boy (with ASP) and it is good to know more about it. It is very interesting and well written."
Pia Contaldi - Parent of An Asperger's Child, Cape Town, South Africa ??very grateful for the book??

"Hi. I have found your book really useful. I'm not sure whether my son has Asperger's and I was worried which is why I ended up on your site. I am very grateful for the book so thank you."
Jax Fleming - Parent of an Undiagnosed Asperger's Child, Essex, UK ??great to see when someone is helping people understand Aspergers??

"I am a sufferer of AS and its always great to see when someone is helping people understand Aspergers."
Steve Fritz - Adult with Asperger's
Sheffield, UK
??very enlightening??

"It has been very enlightening - thank you so much. My son has not been diagnosed yet but his case is in front of the panel and we are waiting."
Daniella Slaney - Parent of an Undiagnosed Asperger's Child, Solihull, UK ??you explain everything in plain English, which is a refreshing change??

?I found the book really interesting and informative. I am giving copies to friends who are already dying to read it, more so because you explain everything in plain English, which is a refreshing change."
Cheryl Waldron - Parent of an Asperger's Child, Havant, Hampshire, U.K.

Just imagine for a moment how The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide could help you and your family: being able to cope with most situations that arise with your Aspergers child any time, any place, any where.

How amazing will it feel knowing that you can do this and also live a happier life with a renewed confidence in your ability as a parent?

But Wait? There?s More?
When You Order The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide
You?ll Also Receive The Following Four Bonus Gifts?

BONUS GIFT #1: Interview With Internationally AcclaimedAspergers Author Tony Attwood (A $25.00 value)
Chances are that if you?re looking for information about Aspergers then you will have come across Tony Attwood. He works with adults and children with Aspergers as a psychologist, and is an extremely well read author and sought after speaker on the subject.

I grilled Tony in a 30 minute interview that I have had transcribed for you to read and enjoy.

In this interview Tony reveals tips on working with certain behaviors, techniques for families and siblings of Aspergers children, his own personal favorite Aspergers experts and what he sees as some of the major issues ahead for people with Aspergers.

And it?s yours as my gift when you order The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide?

BONUS GIFT #2: My Personal Rolodex of Aspergers Internet Resources
(A $23.00 value)

Knowing you need to find out certain Aspergers information is one thing: FINDING the RIGHT information when you need it most is quite another.

That?s why, as an extra Bonus Gift, I?ve decided to share with you my own personal rolodex of internet resources. Packed full of information, strategies and advice, plus my favourite resources (built up over my 11-years plus in the field)

Theses links to discussion forums, chat rooms, sites with great freebies (like free books and communication aids), website directories (the internet equivalent of the yellow pages for all things Aspergers), and websites of individuals with Aspergers, are the perfect complement to your Aspergers knowledge and action base, and are yours with my compliments?

BONUS GIFT #3: ?Getting Started: Introducing Your Child To His Or Her Diagnosis Of Autism Or Aspergers Syndrome? a special report by
Renowned Aspergers Expert Marci Wheeler (An $11.00 value)

This special report is a practical guide which helps parents in the tricky area of explaining to their child about their Aspergers diagnosis.

Marci Wheeler has compiled a report on the ?who, what, when, where and how? of telling your child about Aspergers, how it impacts on their lives (and the lives of those around them), and how to ensure they lead happy, productive lives working with Aspergers.

Written in a down-to-earth, easy-to-read style, ?Getting Started? will help you discover and understand the main issues you need to know, to help you and your child with Aspergers lead happier and less stressful lives . Marci is a social worker who has over 20 years experience working at the Indiana Resource Center for Autism. I recently interviewed her and I have to say that she is an amazingly helpful lady with a great knowledge of Autism and Aspergers.

BONUS GIFT #4: The full transcript of my Interview with Pam Wright.
(A $27.00 Value)

A single mother of three children, the youngest of whom has Aspergers, Pam is also a qualified social worker who works with children with Aspergers and their families, and as such her knowledge of Aspergers is second to none. In the transcript of our interview (which is the final section of The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide, you?ll discover?

The SIX biggest challenges facing parents of children with Aspergers (and how to develop practical coping mechanisms to overcome them, based on her own experiences of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, shared with graphic honesty) pages 186-191 and pages 193-195 What you should do when you find out your child has Aspergers (and what Pam would do differently ? in managing her son?s Aspergers - if she could start over again?) pages 192-193 The information and resources Pam uses to keep up to date with all the changes in the Aspergers field (and how she applies them to improve her son?s life) pages 196-198 How to prevent behavior meltdowns (before AND whilst they occur)
pages 199-204 Pam?s first-hand advice to SIBLINGS of children with Aspergers (It?s not just the parents who deal with the effects of raising a child with Aspergers. Brothers and sisters can feel neglected ? and resentful ? at the extra attention lavished on their ?different? sibling, even though they too have emotional and developmental needs which need nourishing. Find out Pam?s no-nonsense views on how to avoid this resentful turning into hatred and outright rejection on pages 205-208 The truth on how the Educational System treats children with Aspergers
(and it doesn?t make for pretty reading?)
pages 209-211 The ONE thing Pam suggests you do to enhance your life as a parent of a child with Aspergers (The best part? It won?t cost you a single penny) pages 212-213

This offer is going to be time-limited as we are expecting an avalanche of orders.

So if you want to take advantage of these unique bonuses, you need to act fast and reserve your copy of The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide. I?m not sure how much longer I?ll be able to offer them to you, and we may have to stop it at any time?

Click here to reserve your copy of The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide now

Your Peace of Mind And Safety For Only 13 Cents A Day?
If you've ever tried looking for similar materials on Aspergers, you know it costs a great deal in time and money. To do all the research contained in this guide yourself would cost you a small fortune, and enormous amounts of time and effort, with no guarantee of finding the right answers.

In fact, let?s do a quick comparison. If you went to see each of these specialists individually you could expect to pay:

Yes, your child?s health and happiness is priceless, but that?s still a lot of money. Money you may be struggling to find?

But by using what you?ll discover in The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide you?ll have all the facts at your fingertips. Facts presented to you in an easy to follow format. Facts proven to work in the real world, helping children with Aspergers all over the world.

Then there?s the extended network of fellow families across the globe who also have children with Aspergers. Their support and advice alone could be of enormous value to you and your family?

Your investment to receive the The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide is a one-time $47.

Which works out at only 13 cents a day, spread over a year. Not much when you look at it that way, is it? Especially when you consider the potential value of the information you?re investing in.

In return, you?ll enjoy full access to a proven and practical guide which gives you the facts you
need to know, to make the best and safest decisions for you and your family and friends.

Try The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide Risk-Free
Examine this ebook for the next 56 days. If for any reason, or for no reason at all, you don?t believe the The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide will help you, your family and friends, and your child with Aspergers, simply write to me to let me know, and I?ll send you a full refund of your money. No questions asked. ??an excellent resource that I would recommend to any parent who has a child with Aspergers Syndrome??

"The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide is an excellent resource that I would recommend to any parent who has a child with Aspergers Syndrome.It is full of really practical and easy-to-use information to help parents with their Aspergers child and also the rest of the family. As a journalist I know a thing or two about writing - and this is definitely put together and written very professionally." Ian Cook, Journalist and Former BBC Producer, Birmingham, U.K. Here?s How To Get Your Copy of
The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide

The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide is not available in bookshops, Amazon or eBay. You can only get it here.
That?s all there is to it. As soon as we receive your completed form, your copy of The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide and bonuses will be rushed to you immediately.

Yours sincerely,

Dave Angel
The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide

P.S. Remember. You?re fully covered by our Risk-Free Trial Offer. Try The Parenting Aspergers Resource Guide for the next 56 days. If, at any time during these 56 days you decide you don?t want to keep it, simply return it to us in any condition, and you owe us nothing. The Bonus Gifts (worth a total of $196) are yours to keep regardless of whether or not you decide to pay for the guide, as a ?thank you? for trying us out.

P.P.S. Still not sure? Then have a look at some more of the many testimonials I?ve received from delighted customers (of both my guide and other products and services I offer). They make for interesting reading?

??My confidence has been boosted knowing I'm not alone??

?To Dave Angel, I would like to thank you for the info that you have sent me. It has been wonderful to read. My son that has ASD had been having some trouble in school. He only got diagnosed in May this year. But I noticed a change in him since the age of 6 years, and now he's 8. The school didn't have the facilities to help him . Detentions were often given to stop behaviours , which I disagreed with , it was making things worse. I have just found a school close to home that has the support for ASD children. I have enrolled him to start after the holidays in two weeks time. He seems ok with the move , but only time will tell. I have always supported my son and getting all the information and reading books has made me understand him more. We have a good relationship because he knows I 'm trying to make things better for him. I want him to be able to mix in with society and get a job when hes old enough. But also to teach him how to cope with life. My confidence has been boosted knowing I'm not alone. Thank you . from?
Amanda. ??Thank you for letting me know I am not alone in my childs behaviour??

I would just like to say thank you to you for delivering your short course. For putting the time and effort into allowing parents information. Years ago before my daughter was diagnosed i went through hell with everything from being bitten, to receiving cans in the back of my head on shopping trips. Thank you for letting me know I am not alone in my childs behaviour. I thought it was something I did, at least thats what I had been told by family. Your articles have touched me deeply. Thank you again, Nikki Kennedy. ??You have no idea what a lifeline you are becoming for me??

"You have no idea what a lifeline you are becoming for me. Your practical hints and suggestions are a great confirmation for some of what we do and a wellspring of encouragement in areas where we struggle. Thanks so much."
Barb Evans - Parent of an Aspergers Child, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. "?thank you for the marvellous work you do by providing information on ASD and Aspergers??

"David, Good evening from Detroit Michigan. I wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for the marvellous work you do by providing information on ASD and Aspergers. Each day I look forward to learning something new from your Emails and On-Line Books that I purchased."
Greg Campbell - Para Professional with ASD Students, Southgate, Michigan, USA ??you have given me more info on A/S then the professional people??

"Hi, I just wanted you to know you are doing a fantastic job and you have given me more info on A/S then the professional people. I am truly grateful. Love and best wishes to you and your family. Deana xx"
Deana Hall - Parent of a Child with Aspergers, Prestwich, Manchester, England ??All of your information and support has helped me and my wife better understand Aspergers and our son??

?I just wanted to say thank you for all the information you have provided in the past few months. All of your information and support has helped me and my wife better understand Aspergers and our son. There is a never-ending learning experience when it comes to Aspergers. Warmest regards.? Jimmy, Kristen and our son Nathan ??at last I think I can put a name to what is ailing my son??

?Dear Dave
For years I have been trying to determine what was wrong with my son, or me, and trying to understand why we just couldnt communicate. When he was young, he used to hit me, whenever ppl came to visit and said hello, he ignored them, he seemed to be in his own world. Even now that he is 26 and holding down a great job as manager for an electrical company. I always wondered about his anger, and frustration and put it down to the fact that he and I were on different wave lengths, me with literature and him with electrical and mathematical and music. I can recall great bouts of anger, but he simply couldn?t express it and just fumed. Once he nearly choked a kid who called his cousin fat. I am not sure but it would appear that he may have had Aspergers without me ever knowing, or being able to put a name to it./ His father was an engineer// and there have been some associations with autism and children of engineers. whether this is true or not I dont know. Currently he is well employed, thought highly of and has been in a relationship with his girlfriend for the last 4 yrs, and she adores him. He appears to resent me as a parent, and yet I felt it was because I gave him everything, and satisfied his every need- anything but put up with the angry outbursts. So I thank you for your article.. and at last I think I can put a name to what is ailing my son.  thank you? carmel callaghan . ?? it looks like it [the guide] will save both parents and children and great deal of pain and anguish??

How I wish your guide was available 18 years ago. I am the mother of a 22 yr old daughter with Asperger?s. From looking at the summary of this guide, it looks like it will save both parents and children and great deal of pain and anguish. Parents will have the information that wasn?t available back then. Many of the doctors that I was involved with didn?t even know what Asperger?s was. You?ve done a great thing, I wouldn?t want to see anyone go through what my daughter or her dad and I go through because of lack of information.
Lorraine Hurst, Chicopee, MA. ??thank you so very much for a job well done??

Hi, I just wanted to say thank you so very much for a job well done!! i have asd and so does my oldest son. I have been having such a hard time with the schools here in California,u.s.a, and also having such a hard time finding information that I could identify with and use. I am sharing all of these findings with a friend whose son also has asd but is now a teenager and was told he could not be "diagnosed" officially because of his age, however I know he does share almost everything in common with myself and my son and have found that his parents are overwhelmed by the absolute similarities of his characteristics to asd. Keep up the great work! Many thanks!?
Jenny ??I fully intend to drop your name and pass on your good work to others??

I am indeed impressed with the materials that I received this morning, and devoured them as soon as they arrived.
It is not very often that I find another parent on my wavelength, so when I find a like-minded individual, especially one who is spreading so much good news, I am very much impressed.
My daughter and I have had a long journey together through the Void of Autism (she is classic Autism Spectrum Disorder) and I was a single parent for many years, seeking answers in a world where the internet was a fledgling and there wasn't much information to be found. Still, we managed to come up with a regimen based on Chaos Theory that is unlike anything else out there.
We blended our family with a single dad who had custody of his two boys several years ago, and the younger of the two also has Autism. He is recovering as well, along with more than 700 around the country who check in with me fairly regularly. Astounding stuff, really.
However, when I was writing my book (my daughter's suggestion since I kept telling the same stories over and over again) and it was picked up by AAPC, I was diagnosed with Aspergers. Go figure. I guess it should have dawned on me back when I was reading Chaos Theory for fun.
I am an aspie that discloses now and then, when it fits the bill, especially to teens who wouldn't believe that they could be successful...because I am successful. I hold it like an ace. The "world" doesn't need to know all the time. (I figure that, for me, it's a condition and not a disorder. It's an explanation for why I need sunglasses even on cloudy days.)
We are on the national speaking circuit, my daughter and I - and one of my most popular talks is about telling educating the individual on the spectrum, and how important that piece of it is. THANK YOU for that part of your work. I fully intend to drop your name and pass on your good work to others. Our next big stop is the Texas State Conference on Autism in September.
I sent my work to Tony Attwood (who first suggested I was AS and sent me the diagnostic link and a great quote for my book cover) and what I had to do was apologize to him. I had intended to send a short note, and it ended up being a novella. Seems I've done it again.
Thanks for your time, and perhaps we will meet at a conference. I hope so. If you see our names, "Lynley and Jazz Summers" - perhaps we can run into one another. Jazz really is remarkable. She will graduate from high school this Saturday, with honors. She will attend the University of Central Arkansas, where she has earned $16,000 in scholarships for talent and merit. Not bad for a kid they said would never speak English, would remain in self-contained in a helmet, and might get an equivalency by the age of 21 and then go to a group home. She was
diagnosed MR at age three, Autism at four. She's one miracle, of many.
Thank you again for the work that you're doing.?
Lynley Summers - Author of "Autism is Not a Life Sentence" and Parent of a Child with ASD,Sherwood, Arkansas, USA ??For a country like mine, about 80 million pop, in which we have only ONE autistic center; it is very helpful to have written experiences, helping tips and others from you guys??

?Dear Dr. Angel,
With the materials you send me for more than a year; you have no idea how i benefited friends, family and children who struggle in living with Autism. For a country like mine, about 80 million pop, in which we have only ONE autistic center; it is very helpful to have written experiences, helping tips and others from you guys. I also have an idea to become a speech therapy so that i canhelp my fellow citizens freely on my spare time.
This email is then to thank you and appreciate you very much for sharing all the important info you have so that people can be helped. I once was very worried thinking that my son was autistic, that is how i happened to be part of your info group. I then did not stop working for authistic children, helping, reading, advocating....I hope your group will continue sending me documents.
Once again on half of all friends and family with Autism issues,I thank you and your team for your kind assistance in sending us docs. Keep on doing such GREAT work.
Let God fill your other gaps in your life as you fill others! Sincerely,?
Beletshachew Tadesse, A mother from Ethiopia ??thank you from the heart!?

Hi Dave ? Just wanted to say thank you!!! For all of the helpful information you provide that assists us in trying to navigate the difficult waters of parenting ? especially when there is a special needs child involved. So, thank you from the heart!
Kim C Seattle, WA
Feel free to use this testimonial anywhere on your site or in your materials.
??I would like to take the time and thank you for this information. I am a Public Health Nurse??

?I would like to take the time and thank you for this information. I am a Public Health Nurse and have a few children with this syndrome. One of my little 5 year olds has Aspergers very severely. They are trying to get her into a special school. Mom is separated from her husband and is looking for financial assistance with the tuition. ITS NOT EASY TO FIND. iF YOU COULD HELP WITH ANY MORE RESOURCES, IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED. Family lives in Roseville, Mich.?

Loretta Malyszek R.N. BSN.
Warren, MI

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Talking To Toddlers: Dealing With The Terrible Twos And Beyond

Are you are a frustrated parent of a child between the ages of 2 and 6? Whether it’s the “Terrible Twos” or beyond, you need to read what I’m about to share with you here. If you feel guilty about yelling at your toddler, I can help. Or maybe you have no idea how to deal with the temper tantrums and the terrible twos. I’ll show you how to cope. Maybe you’re just sick of your child screaming “No” at you every time you ask him to eat his dinner, put that toy down, leave the park, get in the car … and the list goes on (doesn’t it?)

A lot of Moms and Dads feel like their toddler’s or child’s behavior is driving them crazy. Maybe you’re in the same boat – you feel stressed out, and you just want some PEACE. Yet you also want to feel like you raised your kids right, set a good example, and fostered a great relationship. You want less fights, more respect, and a happy home. I don’t blame you!

So how do you get it? What if I told you that there are simple ways to solve most of your everyday parenting problems? Would you be willing to learn a few new tips and strategies to fix your problems and get the peace back?

My name is Chris Thompson and I have a bit of an unusual story to tell you. I promise you this directly relates to parenting and how I tackled the terrible twos & beyond. But it starts back in 1992 when I had just turned 19, and I was starting my first year of university. The school brought in an amazing speaker to talk to us about something called “Brain Software”, and it absolutely changed my life.

Chris Thompson Family PhotoThe speaker showed us how to use our brains to make powerful changes in our emotional states – like how to take a crappy mood and turn it around instantly. He also taught us some of the basics of influence, persuasion and relationship building. This is the stuff that eventually made a massive difference for me as a parent.

So there I was, a 19-year old kid starting an Engineering degree, but this amazing speaker had just cracked open the doorway to a whole new set of skills that were really exciting to me.

Here’s what I did: I went up to the speaker and asked him how to learn more. He handed me a reading list of classic books to start with. I’ve always maintained my passion for learning about influence, persuasion, relationships and rapport.

I got really good at this stuff. During my university years I built relationships with the right kinds of friends – guys and girls who would help each other succeed. I used my skills to get a great job after graduation when others had a hard time. I was still only 22 at this point, and I was too busy directing my skills at my career to realize that there was a LOT more too it.

Let’s fast forward over the next 8 years. I got married to the girl that I fell in love with in my graduating year. I made a major career transition into the world of finance and investing, and my income skyrocketed to a point that it was uncomfortable for me to discuss income with anyone. Then, in 2004, when I was 30 years old, we had our first baby. Anne changed my life forever. (Wow, writing this is making all the memories flood right back!)

Anne as a babyThe first moment I ever held my child, I knew I had a much bigger responsibility than ever before. By the time she was entering the “terrible twos”, my wife was pregnant again with our second daughter Elizabeth. We didn’t need any more stress, believe me!

Here’s where my training starts to come in (thanks for bearing with me so far!)

Anne was starting to enter the “terrible twos”, just like every ordinary child. The challenges and problems we faced were very typical. She would say “no” to us a lot. She would point at things she wanted and cry if we didn’t give them to her. She’d have fits or throw tantrums if we didn’t live up to her expectations! I bet you can relate, right?

Through luck or skill (who really knows), I clued into the idea that all of my expertise in building relationships and influencing people would probably work on small children too. The tools just needed to be re-worked to fit parenting situations rather than business situations.

I started making notes on every new idea that hit me. I’d test them out on “Annie the Terrible” and they’d work like magic. I know you are probably curious, and I’ll give you a chance to get some examples a bit lower down. Stay with me here. We’re almost done.

Then came the ONE moment that clinched it all for me. I realized how powerful this stuff was, and how nobody else was doing (or teaching) these ideas.

I was in the grocery store with my pregnant wife and daughter. You can probably see where this is going, can’t you? Yup … the checkout line. There we were waiting our turn in a super-busy store. Anne was in the shopping cart with her eyes at the perfect height to see the candy.

I mean, seriously, they must setup the checkout isles like this on purpose. Kid sees candy. Kid asks, then begs for candy. Parent says no. Kid freaks out. Secret camera captures it all and you end up on YouTube.

As you can guess, Anne REALLY wanted this chocolate candy called “Smarties”. The packaging is brilliant. You can’t miss them. She smiled. Oh yes it always starts that way. Then she pointed at them and said, like a cave-child: “Want this!”.

My wife STARTED to say “No” to her and I could literally see the meltdown begin to take shape. Her lips started to quiver – that’s usually a clear sign. Thank goodness I was quick on my feet that day (usually my wife would tell you I’ve got my head buried in my BlackBerry).

I quickly tested out a new technique I’d been perfecting. It’s called “The Distraction Method”. Yes, I know. Very fancy title. Part of this technique involves acknowledging what your child wants. If you forget this step you are in trouble, seriously. But nobody is teaching this! Nobody is explaining the huge importance of establishing (or maintaining) rapport with your kid!

I kept adapting the communications skills that I learned and started applying them to parenting and toddler problems. It wasn’t long before I had a UNIQUE and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE toolbox of techniques. It shocked me that nobody was doing this. After all it wasn’t like I made some huge leap to adapt these “business communication” tools to parenting. It seemed totally natural to me. Terrible twos? How about Terrific Toddlers instead!

I knew I could teach other parents to do this stuff. I was always good at teaching and my friends & family always told me I was a natural teacher.

I spent over a year experimenting with my daughter, other people’s children and I started coaching other parents on how to use these techniques.

The results were truly spectacular. Parents got back the peace that they wanted. Kids started to behave better. The results were FAST. And best of all, all of the strategies I teach maintain a child’s dignity and actually help the child understand how to make better choices.

The complete course I created is called “Talking to Toddlers”. Not only is it a detailed toddler parenting manual, but I have professionally recorded the lessons in audio format to accelerate your learning.

But before you even consider getting your own copy, you should be asking yourself, “Why listen to this guy”.

That’s why I created a completely free (no strings attached) audio lesson that you can listen to right now. This free lesson will teach you three powerful strategies that you can put to use immediately, and start to see results. Drop your name and email address in the form, hit the submit button, and you’ll be quite pleased with what arrives in your inbox. Then you can always come back and read more about the course (below).

Let me share something with you that will forever change your way of thinking. Once you read it you’ll think it’s obvious. Behavior is driven by emotion. It’s not driven by logic. Your kids act the way they do because of their emotional state. Toddler behavior, older child behavior … it’s all driven by emotion.

If they won’t get dressed in the morning it is because they are mentally connecting the act of getting dressed with something unpleasant. If they won’t go to bed at night they are connecting bed time with something else that is unpleasant.

Parents often make the mistake of trying to use logic to fix the problem. Logic doesn’t work. Instead, you need to modify the emotional response inside of your child.

Ok, so how do you change a child’s emotional state? You use specific language patterns to change a bad mood into a good mood. How do you get a child to do something that he or she doesn’t want to do? You make it easy for the child to feel good about the task so they choose to do it. It’s not about asking nicely, nor is it about pleading and begging, nor is it about using the threat of some negative consequence if they don’t co-operate.

When you understand how powerful language (and body language) can be, you quickly realize that it’s like having an instruction manual for the brain.

Would it be helpful to you to feel that you had a much better understanding of your child’s emotional state? You bet it would!

Let’s use an example of how these tools work. Say that you need to get your 3-year old Emily dressed to go out, but as usual, she won’t co-operate. She’s much happier playing with her toys and when you tell Emily to come get dressed, she just says “No”, or ignores you.

You keep asking politely, but eventually frustration takes over. You start raising your voice. Eventually you end up having to gently restrain her as you get her dressed. She’s now crying and you’re upset that she wouldn’t listen. It’s just not fun for either of you.

What I’ll teach you is totally different and much more fun. I’ll teach you to start with a different goal in mind. The goal would be to change Emily’s emotional state so that she actually wants to get dressed. We would do this by talking to her about things that were interesting for her. We would be planting seeds of suggestion into her mind so that she’d welcome the idea of getting dressed.

Or, we could distract her from her prior resistance to getting dressed. There are simple ways of doing this such that Emily would not even realize she was “co-operating” with getting dressed. But after it was over, she wouldn’t be feeling tricked or manipulated. She’d be smiling and feel close to her Mommy. That’s exactly what you want anyway, right?

I’ve put together a complete audio course to help you deal with your difficult toddler or child. This stuff works through the “Terrible Twos” and beyond. This course will help you deal with a toddler, preschooler or school-aged child.

Get your kids to say “Yes” instead of “No” – If you’re sick and tired of your child refusing to do simple things then you’re going to love this technique. If you find yourself successfully using this same strategy with your spouse, co-worker or boss, you have my permission to “blame” me.Quickly kill that bad mood – Have you ever had a special song that totally changed the way you feel? It’s almost like you are programmed to respond to the song in that way. Why? I’ll teach you why and show you how to apply the same technique to your kids (or yourself). When their frown turns upside down you’ll thank me.Get them to stop changing their minds so much – Most parents are constantly frustrated by their kids asking for one thing, then changing their mind again and again. I’ll teach you exactly how to stop this, but in a positive way. It eliminates your stress and frustration while building your child’s confidence at the same time. It’s win-win. You need to know this!The right way to use consequences – Most parents simply threaten their kid with “going to their room” or something like that. It hardly ever works. I’ll explain to you exactly what key steps you’re probably missing. Knowing this will dramatically boost your success with using consequences.How to sidestep a temper tantrum – We both know that most temper tantrums in toddlers and children start the moment that we say “No” to our kids. Sometimes you have to say no, but most of the time there are clever ways to sidestep this trigger-word and still get the exact same outcome that you were looking for. This is super useful for all those times your child says, “Mommy can I have this cookie” or “Daddy I want this toy”. This single tool will save you unbelievable amounts of frustration. When I get emails from my customers this is often a favourite technique because of how easy it is.Plant positive ideas in your child’s mind without them knowing – You may not realize it but “others” are planting messages in your child’s precious young mind every day. Some of it is accidental by untrained people, and some of it is entirely on purpose (commercials, TV, news, etc). A big part of your job is to make sure your positive messages get through. What I’m going to teach you is exactly how to do this. Sure, you can use it to plant suggestions for wanting to eat dinner, going to bed, feeling comfortable using the toilet, etc. But you can also use it to instil confidence, strength, love and other feelings.
Talking to Toddlers Product Photo

YES Chris, I am ready to learn these awesome language tools! I understand that I will securely download “Talking to Toddlers”.

Limited Time FREE Upgrade: When you purchase the Talking to Toddlers Complete Guide (PDF book), you are instantly upgraded to the Premium Audio Version in MP3 format. You get all this for the temporary price of $67 $37.

*If you prefer to have CDs shipped to you (it costs extra), then click here.

I’m excited to start using these tools to:

Avoid temper tantrumsReduce parenting stessLaugh more, and cry lessFeel like I’m in control again!

Have your credit card handy and click the happy orange “Add To Cart” button below to access “Talking to Toddlers” right now…

Add to Cart: Talking to Toddlers Audio Course ($37)

HONESTe Online Member Seal Click to verify - Before you buy!

“Talking to Toddlers” is a complete guide to using language to improve the way you deal with your toddlers. It is not sold in stores, and only available through this website.

Digital Book and Professional Audio Version For a limited time, when you purchase the digital book version (PDF), you automatically get the professionally recorded MP3 audio files as well. This will accelerate your learning!

Talking to Toddlers consists of 12 lessons. Each lesson teaches you only a few simple concepts. I’ve kept the lessons brief so that you can read or listen to one lesson every day, and it will only take you about 15 minutes. Every lesson gives you clear, specific instructions. You’ll learn new language techniques that you can start to apply right away. At the end of each lesson I give you a simple homework assignment to re-enforce your learning. After all … you can only get good at something by doing it, right?

Instantly Delivered as a Digital Download: Talking to Toddlers is sold as a file that you download. I use the industry standard MP3 audio format, and it works on all computers (PC and Mac). There is no special software required. “Talking to Toddlers” is something you will download right away after payment. This saves you precious time! I know how frustrated you probably are, and I know you want to get to work fixing things NOW.

Do you need physical CDs? There are two ways to handle this. I do sell the course in CD format (click here for that), which costs a bit more money because it has to be manufactured and shipped. Otherwise, if you are computer-savvy, you can take the downloaded version and turn it into CDs using your computer. Free software such as iTunes makes this very easy. That said, at least 9 out of 10 customers choose the digital download and it’s rare for anyone to get stuck with a technical problem. Besides, I’m only an email away.

As a father I want the best for my kids and I’m sure you want the same for your kids too. I also know that there are lots of people trying to get you to buy stuff that you may not need.

When I created “Talking to Toddlers” I started from the very beginning with a “no fluff” policy and my customers have thanked me for it over and over again. This is what makes me so different.

I care about your comfort and trust. My intention is to help parents and kids. If I can’t do that then I don’t deserve to keep your money.

Try it for 8 full weeks: I insist that you have tons of time to use the material in my course before you decide if it’s right for you. That’s why I insist on offering you a full 8-weeks to try out the entire course with no risk.

It really is this simple. If you don’t find that the course helps you, or is for ANY REASON not worth the price you paid, then I do not want your hard-earned money. Simply email me and I process a 100% refund with a friendly and respectful attitude.

With the digital download, there is no shipping charge whatsoever, and there is nothing for you to return. When I started selling this course online my father actually warned me that people would take advantage of me. I went with my gut instinct, and I’m happy to say I was right. Most people are very honest and I feel entirely comfortable in offering you this security.

To the health and happiness of you and your family,

Chris Thompson signature

P.S. For a limited time you get the FREE upgrade to the professionally recorded audio course (normally $67) for the one-time price of $37.

Still, you might be asking yourself, “Is this really worth $37?”
I’d like you to pretend, just for a moment, that there was a parentingmagic wand” you could buy for $37, and you knew it would “do for you” all of the things I’m describing above.

Would THAT be worth $37 to you?

Almost certainly it would! Well, there is no magic wand, but my course gets you as close as possible. So it really comes down to your own willingness to take action to fix your situation.

Besides, with my 100% satisfaction guarantee you have 8 weeks to decide for yourself. Given my ultra-low refund rate I’m super confident in this offer and in your success.

Talking to Toddlers Product Photo

YES Chris, I am ready to learn these awesome language tools! I understand that I will securely download “Talking to Toddlers”.

Limited Time FREE Upgrade: When you purchase the Talking to Toddlers Complete Guide (PDF book), you are instantly upgraded to the Premium Audio Version in MP3 format. You get all this for the temporary price of $67 $37.

*If you prefer to have CDs shipped to you (it costs extra), then click here.

I’m excited to start using these tools to:

Avoid temper tantrumsReduce parenting stessLaugh more, and cry lessFeel like I’m in control again!

Have your credit card handy and click the happy orange “Add To Cart” button below to access “Talking to Toddlers” right now…

Add to Cart: Talking to Toddlers Audio Course ($37)

HONESTe Online Member Seal Click to verify - Before you buy!Chris, I recently purchased your “Talking to Toddlers” mp3 and it was fantastic! Literally, this is not an exaggeration, but the same day I first tried presuppositions and double-binds, I saw a change in my relationship with my 2 year old son. In the week following, whereas before our relationship largely consisted of Dad the enforcer and toddler the oppressed (with lots of feelings of guilt and lots of tears respectively), we became closer, happier, and I really feel good about being a Dad now. Especially since I have the tools for guiding my son, but at the same time honoring his inherent rights to dignity and self-determination.

Thanks, Chris. Truly, your guide has made a difference. And for all of those like me who found themselves skeptical at first, even after reading the ‘testimonials’ offered by your website, I find myself now writing one! For any parent out there who senses that things could be better somehow, but are unsure of how to make things better with your toddler, Chris your guide is almost like a magic bullet. I continue to work through your lessons and apply the tools they provide.

Kelly Goyer
Saskatoon, Canada

Pinky McKay Testimonial PhotoChris – I love this program! At first I was a bit skeptical that it would be manipulative but it actually is very compassionate and respectful and will maintain your dignity as well as your child’s. This program is so easy to follow: it is structured in a way that really helps parents learn not only what to do but how to do it in small bite sized chunks so that each layer adds another dimension of parenting skills.

The concrete examples make it easy to grasp how to apply these skills in a real situation. When parents are stressed, it is often easier to revert to whatever is in our existing toolbox, even when it is inappropriate. Your style of teaching, along with the homework exercises, makes it very simple to skill up and to implement new strategies even when we are feeling overwhelmed by the enormous responsibility of parenting.

Pinky McKay, Australia
Author of “Toddler Tactics” and “Sleeping Like a Baby”

Chris – I bought your audio course two weeks ago. Let me tell you that you are my hero! I have a boy who is nearly 3 and he was driving me crazy to the point where I thought I failed as a mum. I’m only on lesson 6 and my boy is changing in front of my eyes. Your strategies really work and to my surprise when I test them on adults they work too! Thank you very much. You have changed my boy and my life on the whole.

Doris from Malta

I have a 2 year old daughter who is going on 16. I was ready to pull my hair out and was tired of her telling me what to do and tired of yelling at her in return. Then I came across your course, which was heaven sent. I saw improvements after the first lesson. It was a miracle. I was waiting for her to fight back and then there was nothing. The conflict was resolved. Wow! Chris Thompson is the Toddler God indeed. This program was worth every single penny.

Rachel Turner
Utah, USA

My husband I both listened to the audio course and loved it. We found the techniques very useful and now our son doesn’t fight with us to brush his teeth anymore. We are both teachers and found the tools you teach in this audio course very helpful in our jobs as well. We would recommend this program to anyone who deals with toddlers and school-age children.

Teri Pearce
Whitby, Ontario, Canada

We love getting your e-mails & advice. We purchased the ‘Talking to Toddlers’ audio lessons some time ago. We’ve been following your advice & love it. Please don’t stop sending your e-mails as we’d be lost without them.

Vanda Longrigg
Adelaide, Australia

As a very recent purchaser of your “Talking to Toddlers” audio, I must say I am impressed. I am a grandmother who is often helping out with the care of three very robust grandsons aged 2yrs, 3yrs and 4yrs approx (not from the same family). I have applied your first lesson and was absolutely delighted with the results from the 4yr old. I was chuckling to myself, as my daughter is not aware that I had purchased your audio. This particular grandson is fascinated with magic at the moment, so I felt like I had performed a little magic myself! I will certainly persevere with your techniques.

Melbourne, Australia

I bought your fantastic program and I just plain love it. I direct and counsel childcare centers in Israel and I began sitting with my staff-doing one lesson at a time. So, thank you so much. I am so happy that I found you. I am doing it slowly as you suggested and I am now up to chapter #4. I have to translate it into Hebrew for my staff to understand so it takes me some time.

Miriam Blau

Mike Mandel testimonialChris has done an excellent job in adapting NLP and Ericksonian patterns to the task of parenting. I recommend his product without reservation, not only to parents, but also to teachers, day-care workers and medical professionals.

Dr. Mike Mandel
Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Instructor for NLP Canada

I am a qualified child care worker with 20 years of experience in both Australia and the United Kingdom. This audio course is very valuable. I learned lots of new ways of interacting with the children that were easy to implement and gave me amazing results in just a few days. I highly recommend this course to parents and carers who regularly supervise children.

Helen R. Thompson
Adelaide, Australia

Ron Headshot

You truly have taken the essence of communication and broken it down into bite sized chunks that anyone can learn. It is worth twice the price and the audio quality is outstanding. I will be recommending this product to everyone I know that has kids.

Ron Vereggen
Toronto, Canada

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Self-esteem Elevation For Children Coaching Certification

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Dear Friend,

My name is Dr. Joe Rubino and I can tell you from more than 20 years of personal experience that there is no greater joy or more rewarding career anywhere than being a Self-Esteem Coach. That is especially true when the lives you are impacting are those of children.

Now, you too can join me as a Certified Self-Esteem Elevation Coach and Earn a Great Living as you change lives!

In my 20 plus years as a life-optimization coach, I have personally coached more than 1000 individuals to complete and heal their past, accurately assess what's so in their lives presently, and design an inspirational and compelling future in choice. During these two-plus decades, I have noticed that whenever people are unhappy, whenever their lives are marked by resignation, strained or failed relationships, lacking fulfillment, ineffective communication, scarcity, lacking success, anger, depression or worry…that is whenever they are NOT living their best lives, one underlying factor was ALWAYS present. That factor is low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem has its origins when we are young, typically before the age of six. It begins with someone saying or doing something that causes a child to get the idea that he or she is unlovable, unworthy, imperfect, flawed, or defective in some significant way. Whether the child buys into an unkind word or deed, perhaps experiences a bullying episode or an abusive situation of some sort, or misinterprets what others said or did in such a way that has them feel less than, not good enough, unlovable, or like they don't belong, this initial upset has children begin to believe there is something wrong with them. They then scan for evidence to "prove" to themselves that their initial fear was correct…and, of course, they find plenty of episodes that reinforce that there is something defective about who they are as a person. Over the course of years and decades, they gather hundreds or thousands of pieces of evidence that they are imperfect, unlovable, and not worthy of all the good things life has to offer. Before long, they accept this negative self-image as FACT and soon become resigned to believing that's just how it is… and there's nothing they can do about it!

Being Insecure – creeping feelings of discomfort

Procrastination – putting things off until you are doomed to fail

Frustration – not getting the results you want, again and again

Worrying – visualizing and expecting negative, self-fulfilling results without reason

Anger – finding yourself in a state of upset all too frequently

Bullying – exerting domination over others in unhealthy ways in order to create a false impression of power and superiority

Depression – allowing yourself to be a victim, dominated by a mood of sadness often to avoid responsibility for making your life work optimally or to attract the pity of others

Fear – the third most prevalent emotional response often due to a perceived inability to impact one's situation

Many other situations including Abuse, Addictions, School Drop outs, Poverty and even Suicide are also strongly linked to NOT having sufficient self-esteem!

Self-Esteem Coaches:

Can earn rewarding incomes by working with children, teachers and parents to support children to develop soaring self-esteem.

Can work from home, set their own hours and fees

Enjoy ultra-fulfilling work that makes a huge difference in children's (and adults') lives

Enjoy the respect, gratitude and admiration of all those they work with

Can take pride in shifting the consciousness of our planet by having a direct impact on the lives of the children and families they work with

Will change their own lives as they change the lives of others!

"This is a "must-read" for every parent who wants to raise happy, healthy, self-confident children."

- Brian Tracy
Author, Maximum Achievement


The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children will teach you what you need to know to become certified as an Instructor to coach children, parents, and those who work with them to put into place structures and programs that champion children to:

Feel capable, competent and able to produce their intended results with velocity

Possess authentic personal power and have the ability to influence others

Feel significant, accepted, and loved by others

Feel worthy of love while developing a positive expectation that they WILL receive all the blessings that life has to offer

Develop an appreciation for others while possessing empathy for what it's like to be in their shoes

30 Audio mp3 recordings to guide you to learn the many different ways to champion children to elevate their self-esteem and live their best lives

A 170 page highly acclaimed E-book entitled "31 Ways to Champion Children to Elevate their Self-Esteem" by Dr. Joe Rubino

5 videos on such topics as "The Origins of Low Self-Esteem" and "How to Support Children to Create Soaring Self-Esteem"

A 50 Question multiple choice test required to achieve certification (optional at no extra cost)

A Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation Certificate – suitable for framing (optional at no extra cost)

The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children Program was designed to make learning from your own home, at your own pace, easy, convenient AND affordable! With our program you can learn to coach and guide children to elevate their self-esteem without spending tens of thousands of dollars attending seminars and paying exorbitant fees and while saving precious time. You can learn at your own pace and go through all the educational information in a manner that fits your lifestyle and needs.

"If you want your children to grow up to be happy, well-adjusted and fulfilled adults, you must help them cultivate high self-esteem. 31 Ways to Champion Children to Develop High Self-Esteem is an invaluable program for any parent. It should be required reading."  

-  Marci Shimoff
NY Times bestselling author, Love for No Reason,
Happy for No Reason, and Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul

With this program you will:

Learn the difference between high self-esteem and high ego

Discover the origins of low self-esteem and how to best support children to overcome early challenges

Learn the one thing that will most effectively build belief and self-confidence in children

Acquire the antidote to negative self-talk

Realize the secret to becoming an extraordinary role model for children

Discover the three keys to healing and completing one's painful past

Uncover the answer to reversing depression and self-pity

Develop the tools to impart soaring self-esteem and self-confidence effortlessly

Learn how to support children to discover and develop their gifts

Be taught the daily exercise that allows children to maximize their effectiveness with others

Be able to support children to live with passion and enthusiasm

Discover the secret to forever eliminating upsets from children's lives

Learn what to do when you or your child makes a significant mistake

Develop the tools essential to guarantee a happy and fulfilling life

Learn the art of visioning and how it can transform a child's life

Develop the secret that will turn goal setting from a chore to a pleasure

Be able to teach children the life-changing tool that will allow them to instantly diffuse their anger, forever free them from depression and turn fear into excitement and positive expectation

Know how to best support children to ensure good grades and maximize their likelihood of success

Show children how to differentiate between making convenient choices and those that align with their commitments

Get the ability to help children put an end to procrastination once and for all

Discover how to persuade children to stay fit and healthy

Learn when to give in and when to be firm

Acquire the skill of empowering your life and the lives of the children you impact

Learn the one key ingredient to banishing suffering for good

Understand the secret to eliminating selfishness and egotism

Be taught how to support others to train their thoughts to empower their lives

Discover the secret to avoiding unproductive and compulsive behaviors

Be able to teach others how to avoid disappointment in life

Acquire the key to enhancing charisma and personal effectiveness

Learn the secret to achieving daily breakthroughs in every area of life

Learn the art of empowering children to be their best

The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children Program will save you time and money and qualify you to earn a lucrative living as a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children.

Many parents and teachers take the course simply to be better qualified to support children to learn the secrets that will champion them to develop soaring, unstoppable total self-esteem! The Certification part is optional and at no extra cost, should you wish to achieve the title of Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children.

Few – if any- courses offer the quality and caliber of life-impacting tools and lessons that The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children Program does. In fact, you'll pay $11,995 to become a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation through the program offered at you won't pay $10,000 or even thousands to take our online Self-Esteem Certification Program.

"This program is an amazing guide that any parent, teacher, grandparent, aunt, uncle or older sibling can easily follow to help guide the healthy mental growth of a child. It offers insights, skills, strategies and actions that will encourage all those who seek to be great parents or participants in the healthy rearing of children with a plethora of ways to do so. We need not try and figure out what we need to do or how we need to do it on our own. Dr. Joe offers us the blueprint to follow."

John Assaraf
New York Times Bestselling Author, The Answer and Having It All.
Featured in The blockbuster movie and book The Secret.
CEO, OneCoach,

Your purchase of the products is governed by the terms and conditions contained in the End User License Agreement ('EULA'). Please read this carefully before completing your purchase. By completing your purchase, you agree that you have read the EULA and agree to be bound by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms of the EULA, DO NOT complete your purchase.

For a limited time, we are offering this transformational, life-impacting program, Online Self-Esteem Coach for Children certification for only $895

"There is no more worthwhile endeavor than to impart the gift of high self-esteem to our children. The future of our planet depends upon it. Dr. Rubino'sprogram to champion children to develop high self-esteemshould be required for everyone who has the ability to touch children's lives.  The program has the ability to elevate the consciousness of our world one child at a time."


Dr. Eldon Taylor
New York Times Best-selling Author of Choices and Illusions,
Mind Programming, and What Does It Mean?

Q: Who should take the Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation Program for Children?

A. Anyone interested in working with children, parents, teachers, coaches and others who have the ability to impact the lives of children.

Q. What is the Certification title I will receive?

A. Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children

Q. Do I need to get certified if I am only interested in learning how to champion children to elevate their self-esteem?

A. No, the certification is optional. Many purchase the program just to learn how to support children to develop stronger self-esteem. There is no additional cost for the certification, if desired.

Q. How long does it take to complete the course?

A. Typically between 2-3 weeks and 1 year maximum.

Q. What will I receive with the course?

A. 30 downloadable audios, 5 downloadable videos, and a 170 page e-book, a 50 question certification multiple choice test, a certificate certifying you by The Center for Personal Reinvention as a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children.

Q. What do I need to do to become certified?

A. Take a 50 question multiple choice test and submit it with a passing grade of 70% to become certified.

Q. What happens if I fail the test?

A. Most who take the test pass on their first try. You'll have up to 6 chances to achieve a passing grade. There is a $25 exam fee for each submission after the first test submission which is free.

Q. How long does it take to receive my certification once my test is submitted?

A. Usually less than 2 weeks.

Q. How will I receive my certification?

A. The certificate will be sent via email ready to be printer and framed if desired.

Q. Is the certification accepted everywhere in the world?

A. Yes, to the best of our knowledge.

Q. Who issues the certification?

A. The Center for Personal Reinvention

Q. Will I need any additional training to practice as a certified coach in self-esteem elevation for children?

A. No.

Q. Are there any licensing requirements for Self-Esteem Coaches?

A. Not at this time.

Q. Will you help me get clients in any way?

A. Certified coaches can be listed with their names, addresses, and contact information on The Center for Personal Reinvention website for a minimal web posting fee of $45or information change fee of $25 should your contact info change.

Q. Are there any other ways you can assist me to attract clients?

A. Yes, as a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children you will have access to mailing up to 8 articles written by Dr. Joe Rubino to educate parents, teachers, counselors, and others about the work we do to support children to elevate their self-esteem. Simply add your contact information after the article to generate interest in your services.

Q. What fees can I charge my clients as a Certified Coach?

A. You are free to establish your own fee schedule. Most certified coaches charge between $75 and $250 per hour and work by phone appointment.

Q. If I need assistance in coaching any client, can I get help?

A. Yes, Dr. Joe Rubino (and other qualified coaches) are available by appointment to assist by phone. Coaching fees are $250 per hour and would be paid by the client.

Dr. Joe has done it again with another outstanding program on self-esteem.  But this may be his best yet because it impacts our biggest national treasure and assets --- our children. If we could get this program in our school systems we could close half the prisons in this country in ten years as there is a direct correlation between self-esteem and the behaviors that lead to incarceration. Way to go Joe!

Vic Johnson

For a limited time, we are offering this transformational, life-impacting program, Online Self-Esteem Coach for Children certification for only $895

Self-esteem is an essential part of a child's development, setting them up for future success. In this program, Dr. Joe Rubino uses his immense amount of knowledge and skill to help parents empower their children. This is a must for parents and teachers who want to instill healthyself-esteem in children and students.

- Steve G. Jones
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Dr. Rubino's self-esteem program for children is the most comprehensive yet easy follow guide to living life to its fullest.  Joe's expertise in the field of empowering adults and children around the world to boost the most important aspect of living a joyful life, self-esteem, is captured in every word of this truly remarkable program.  Every adult who plays a part in the life of a child must have it. 

Patrick McMillan
Author: An Exercise in Happiness

"If humans were born with a guidebook that provided the exact guidelines to achieve happiness, high self-esteem, success, opulence, and self-actualization, Dr. Joe Rubino's Self-Esteem Program for children would be that guide. This program should be required in every school system and parenting program in the world; it's that good."

Kristen Howe – Go Big Coach

What a FABULOUS program!   You can improve your self-esteem or help build it in the lives of your children by implementing the simple but powerful points that Dr. Rubino teaches.  We know there is no parenting manual that comes with the baby ... well this program would work ... as self-esteem is an essential ingredient in raising successful children. Thank you for taking the time to put all this valuable information in a program that we can refer to over and over.  This is an essential resource for EVERYONE and it's never too late to use it! 

Lisa Johnson - Lifestyle Connoisseur,
Co-founder of and

For a limited time, we are offering this transformational, life-impacting program, Online Self-Esteem Coach for Children certification for only $895

To the Success of Our Children,

Dr. Joe Rubino

P.S. – Remember, this is the only program you will find with this specific formula for helping children elevate every aspect of their self esteem.

P.P.S. – Isn't it time you acquired this valuable tool to be able to impact the lives of children and all who love them and work with them? I promise you…your life and the lives of those you impact will never be the same!

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