Dear Friend,
My name is Dr. Joe Rubino and I can tell you from more than 20 years of personal experience that there is no greater joy or more rewarding career anywhere than being a Self-Esteem Coach. That is especially true when the lives you are impacting are those of children.
Now, you too can join me as a Certified Self-Esteem Elevation Coach and Earn a Great Living as you change lives!
In my 20 plus years as a life-optimization coach, I have personally coached more than 1000 individuals to complete and heal their past, accurately assess what's so in their lives presently, and design an inspirational and compelling future in choice. During these two-plus decades, I have noticed that whenever people are unhappy, whenever their lives are marked by resignation, strained or failed relationships, lacking fulfillment, ineffective communication, scarcity, lacking success, anger, depression or worry…that is whenever they are NOT living their best lives, one underlying factor was ALWAYS present. That factor is low self-esteem.
Low self-esteem has its origins when we are young, typically before the age of six. It begins with someone saying or doing something that causes a child to get the idea that he or she is unlovable, unworthy, imperfect, flawed, or defective in some significant way. Whether the child buys into an unkind word or deed, perhaps experiences a bullying episode or an abusive situation of some sort, or misinterprets what others said or did in such a way that has them feel less than, not good enough, unlovable, or like they don't belong, this initial upset has children begin to believe there is something wrong with them. They then scan for evidence to "prove" to themselves that their initial fear was correct…and, of course, they find plenty of episodes that reinforce that there is something defective about who they are as a person. Over the course of years and decades, they gather hundreds or thousands of pieces of evidence that they are imperfect, unlovable, and not worthy of all the good things life has to offer. Before long, they accept this negative self-image as FACT and soon become resigned to believing that's just how it is… and there's nothing they can do about it!
Being Insecure – creeping feelings of discomfort
Procrastination – putting things off until you are doomed to fail
Frustration – not getting the results you want, again and again
Worrying – visualizing and expecting negative, self-fulfilling results without reason
Anger – finding yourself in a state of upset all too frequently
Bullying – exerting domination over others in unhealthy ways in order to create a false impression of power and superiority
Depression – allowing yourself to be a victim, dominated by a mood of sadness often to avoid responsibility for making your life work optimally or to attract the pity of others
Fear – the third most prevalent emotional response often due to a perceived inability to impact one's situation
Many other situations including Abuse, Addictions, School Drop outs, Poverty and even Suicide are also strongly linked to NOT having sufficient self-esteem!
Self-Esteem Coaches:

Can work from home, set their own hours and fees

Enjoy the respect, gratitude and admiration of all those they work with

Will change their own lives as they change the lives of others!

"This is a "must-read" for every parent who wants to raise happy, healthy, self-confident children."

Author, Maximum Achievement

The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children will teach you what you need to know to become certified as an Instructor to coach children, parents, and those who work with them to put into place structures and programs that champion children to:

Possess authentic personal power and have the ability to influence others

Feel worthy of love while developing a positive expectation that they WILL receive all the blessings that life has to offer

A 170 page highly acclaimed E-book entitled "31 Ways to Champion Children to Elevate their Self-Esteem" by Dr. Joe Rubino

A 50 Question multiple choice test required to achieve certification (optional at no extra cost)

The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children Program was designed to make learning from your own home, at your own pace, easy, convenient AND affordable! With our program you can learn to coach and guide children to elevate their self-esteem without spending tens of thousands of dollars attending seminars and paying exorbitant fees and while saving precious time. You can learn at your own pace and go through all the educational information in a manner that fits your lifestyle and needs.

"If you want your children to grow up to be happy, well-adjusted and fulfilled adults, you must help them cultivate high self-esteem. 31 Ways to Champion Children to Develop High Self-Esteem is an invaluable program for any parent. It should be required reading."

NY Times bestselling author, Love for No Reason,
Happy for No Reason, and Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul

With this program you will:

Discover the origins of low self-esteem and how to best support children to overcome early challenges
Acquire the antidote to negative self-talk

Discover the three keys to healing and completing one's painful past

Develop the tools to impart soaring self-esteem and self-confidence effortlessly

Be taught the daily exercise that allows children to maximize their effectiveness with others

Discover the secret to forever eliminating upsets from children's lives

Develop the tools essential to guarantee a happy and fulfilling life

Develop the secret that will turn goal setting from a chore to a pleasure
Know how to best support children to ensure good grades and maximize their likelihood of success
Get the ability to help children put an end to procrastination once and for all
Learn when to give in and when to be firm
Learn the one key ingredient to banishing suffering for good
Be taught how to support others to train their thoughts to empower their lives
Be able to teach others how to avoid disappointment in life
Learn the secret to achieving daily breakthroughs in every area of life
The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children Program will save you time and money and qualify you to earn a lucrative living as a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children.
Many parents and teachers take the course simply to be better qualified to support children to learn the secrets that will champion them to develop soaring, unstoppable total self-esteem! The Certification part is optional and at no extra cost, should you wish to achieve the title of Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children.Few – if any- courses offer the quality and caliber of life-impacting tools and lessons that The Center for Personal Reinvention Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children Program does. In fact, you'll pay $11,995 to become a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation through the program offered at www.CenterForPersonalReinvention.com...but you won't pay $10,000 or even thousands to take our online Self-Esteem Certification Program.

"This program is an amazing guide that any parent, teacher, grandparent, aunt, uncle or older sibling can easily follow to help guide the healthy mental growth of a child. It offers insights, skills, strategies and actions that will encourage all those who seek to be great parents or participants in the healthy rearing of children with a plethora of ways to do so. We need not try and figure out what we need to do or how we need to do it on our own. Dr. Joe offers us the blueprint to follow."

New York Times Bestselling Author, The Answer and Having It All.
Featured in The blockbuster movie and book The Secret.
CEO, OneCoach, www.onecoach.com

Your purchase of the products is governed by the terms and conditions contained in the End User License Agreement ('EULA'). Please read this carefully before completing your purchase. By completing your purchase, you agree that you have read the EULA and agree to be bound by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms of the EULA, DO NOT complete your purchase.
For a limited time, we are offering this transformational, life-impacting program, Online Self-Esteem Coach for Children certification for only $895

"There is no more worthwhile endeavor than to impart the gift of high self-esteem to our children. The future of our planet depends upon it. Dr. Rubino'sprogram to champion children to develop high self-esteemshould be required for everyone who has the ability to touch children's lives. The program has the ability to elevate the consciousness of our world one child at a time."

New York Times Best-selling Author of Choices and Illusions,
Mind Programming, and What Does It Mean?

Q: Who should take the Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation Program for Children?
A. Anyone interested in working with children, parents, teachers, coaches and others who have the ability to impact the lives of children.
Q. What is the Certification title I will receive?
A. Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children
Q. Do I need to get certified if I am only interested in learning how to champion children to elevate their self-esteem?
A. No, the certification is optional. Many purchase the program just to learn how to support children to develop stronger self-esteem. There is no additional cost for the certification, if desired.
Q. How long does it take to complete the course?
A. Typically between 2-3 weeks and 1 year maximum.
Q. What will I receive with the course?
A. 30 downloadable audios, 5 downloadable videos, and a 170 page e-book, a 50 question certification multiple choice test, a certificate certifying you by The Center for Personal Reinvention as a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children.
Q. What do I need to do to become certified?
A. Take a 50 question multiple choice test and submit it with a passing grade of 70% to become certified.
Q. What happens if I fail the test?
A. Most who take the test pass on their first try. You'll have up to 6 chances to achieve a passing grade. There is a $25 exam fee for each submission after the first test submission which is free.
Q. How long does it take to receive my certification once my test is submitted?
A. Usually less than 2 weeks.
Q. How will I receive my certification?
A. The certificate will be sent via email ready to be printer and framed if desired.
Q. Is the certification accepted everywhere in the world?
A. Yes, to the best of our knowledge.
Q. Who issues the certification?
A. The Center for Personal Reinvention
Q. Will I need any additional training to practice as a certified coach in self-esteem elevation for children?
A. No.
Q. Are there any licensing requirements for Self-Esteem Coaches?
A. Not at this time.
Q. Will you help me get clients in any way?
A. Certified coaches can be listed with their names, addresses, and contact information on The Center for Personal Reinvention website for a minimal web posting fee of $45or information change fee of $25 should your contact info change.
Q. Are there any other ways you can assist me to attract clients?
A. Yes, as a Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children you will have access to mailing up to 8 articles written by Dr. Joe Rubino to educate parents, teachers, counselors, and others about the work we do to support children to elevate their self-esteem. Simply add your contact information after the article to generate interest in your services.
Q. What fees can I charge my clients as a Certified Coach?
A. You are free to establish your own fee schedule. Most certified coaches charge between $75 and $250 per hour and work by phone appointment.
Q. If I need assistance in coaching any client, can I get help?
A. Yes, Dr. Joe Rubino (and other qualified coaches) are available by appointment to assist by phone. Coaching fees are $250 per hour and would be paid by the client.

Dr. Joe has done it again with another outstanding program on self-esteem. But this may be his best yet because it impacts our biggest national treasure and assets --- our children. If we could get this program in our school systems we could close half the prisons in this country in ten years as there is a direct correlation between self-esteem and the behaviors that lead to incarceration. Way to go Joe!

Founder, AsAManThinketh.net

Self-esteem is an essential part of a child's development, setting them up for future success. In this program, Dr. Joe Rubino uses his immense amount of knowledge and skill to help parents empower their children. This is a must for parents and teachers who want to instill healthyself-esteem in children and students.

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Dr. Rubino's self-esteem program for children is the most comprehensive yet easy follow guide to living life to its fullest. Joe's expertise in the field of empowering adults and children around the world to boost the most important aspect of living a joyful life, self-esteem, is captured in every word of this truly remarkable program. Every adult who plays a part in the life of a child must have it.

Author: An Exercise in Happiness
Founder: www.KidsCanDoAnything.com
Co-Founder: www.HappierKidsNow.com

"If humans were born with a guidebook that provided the exact guidelines to achieve happiness, high self-esteem, success, opulence, and self-actualization, Dr. Joe Rubino's Self-Esteem Program for children would be that guide. This program should be required in every school system and parenting program in the world; it's that good."


What a FABULOUS program! You can improve your self-esteem or help build it in the lives of your children by implementing the simple but powerful points that Dr. Rubino teaches. We know there is no parenting manual that comes with the baby ... well this program would work ... as self-esteem is an essential ingredient in raising successful children. Thank you for taking the time to put all this valuable information in a program that we can refer to over and over. This is an essential resource for EVERYONE and it's never too late to use it!

Co-founder of MyDailyInsights.com and Goals2Go.com

To the Success of Our Children,
Dr. Joe Rubino
P.S. – Remember, this is the only program you will find with this specific formula for helping children elevate every aspect of their self esteem.
P.P.S. – Isn't it time you acquired this valuable tool to be able to impact the lives of children and all who love them and work with them? I promise you…your life and the lives of those you impact will never be the same!

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